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Keynotes (0930-11.30)

Welcome to Sustainable Industry Live.

  • What is our reason for being here today?
  • How will you get the most out of your time?
  • Why is this meeting so important?

Emma Fromberg
Course Director 

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What impacts will the change of Government have on energy intensive industry?

  • Understand the key new energy policies and initiatives proposed by the Labour Government, and how they might impact your business.
  • What will be the Labour Government's approach to encouraging and enabling energy efficiency measures for industry?
  • Should businesses expect an increase in non-commodity costs caused by new energy schemes i.e. hydrogen, nuclear?

David Kipling
Chief Executive Officer 


Choosing right from right. Decision making in sustainable innovation.

  • Approaches for considering trade-offs in innovation projects
  • How to address some of the barriers that might be holding back projects in areas such as Industrial Symbiosis
  • Opportunities to influence future innovation funding programmes for Materials and Manufacturing

Amy Peace
Innovation Lead - Circular Economy 


Knowing is only half the battle

  • How can we get past measuring & reporting to reducing our footprint without compromising profitability or quality?

  • How do we avoid “random acts of innovation”, and establish a controllable process for using data and tech to drive sustainable operations?

  • What are the approaches that minimize competing and overlapping technology projects and expenditures?


Sean Robinson

Manager - Software Solutions


Roundtables (12.00 - 14.15)

STREAM 1 - Reduce Energy

Smart Energy: Pinpointing hotspots and future proofing data collection

  • How can data collection and analysis improve energy efficiency and reduce carbon emissions?

  • What steps can R&D teams take to prioritise decarbonisation projects for future innovation?

  • How can advanced EMS systems and data analytics enhance energy efficiency and sustainability?


Peter Lai 
Continuous Improvement and Industry 4.0 Lead 

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Zeeshan Qamar 
Sustainability & Climate Change Technical Lead

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The hidden costs of downtime

  • How can real-time energy data optimise machinery performance and reduce idle times?

  • What practices correlate energy spend with operations to uncover inefficiencies?

  • How can OEE methodology improve energy efficiency and minimise downtime?


Agnes Ragondet
Group Sustainability Director 


How can digitalisation drive sustainability? Opportunities and threats of new technologies

  • How can we identify areas where technologies support sustainability and amplify their impact?

  • How can we recognize the negative impacts of digital technologies and minimize them?

  • Let’s zoom in on  AI as we are now in an AI era – a lot is said about its environmental impact, is this hype?


Kris Kuplis
Digital Transformation Director


STREAM 2 - Scale Circularity

Reuse and Recycle – a practical discussion on collaborating for value in the circular economy

  • What examples of system thinking and collaboration are considered good practise?

  • How can data-driven insights enhance decision-making for reducing emissions in purchased goods and services?

  • What actions can we take as individuals and collectively to make the biggest improvements?


Benn Godfrey
Vice President - Procurement 


Scope 3: Data-Driven Strategies for Categories 1 & 11

  • What are your challenges in gathering and using data for Scope 3 emissions, and how can they be overcome?

  • How can data-driven insights enhance decision-making for reducing emissions in purchased goods and services?

  • How can companies integrate Scope 3 data into their overall sustainability strategies?


Daniel Lintell
Sustainability Lead 


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Anil Thomas 
Operations Director


Scope 3: Opportunities in exchanging sustainability impact data through the supply chain

  • How scope 3 influences the entire company impact especially within manufacturing

  • Practical ways on how to work together within your supply chain and set joined reduction scenarios

  • How data exchange frameworks such as PACT – Pathfinder can help?

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Noelle Harvey
VP Product

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Frans-Willem de Kloet


Building sustainability into plants, assets and processes

  • How can we tap into automation and other tech assets for richer data to explore for improvement without introducing risk?

  • The data scientists have come up with potentially interesting insights – how can they translate back into shop floor systems and processes?

  • What does an effective plant-level improvement team look like in terms of roles and goals?

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Sean Robinson
Manager - Software Solutions 


Optimising your buildings and processes performance to deliver energy, carbon and cost reduction

  • How does building energy optimisation integrate in to your wider Net-zero strategy?

  • What impact will building fabric improvements, renewable energy generation and waste energy recovery have on your carbon reduction plan?

  • How does science-based data interrogation enable investment-grade decision making?

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Adam Goves
Lead – Manufacturing & Infrastructure

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Is manufacturing sustainability a challenge or opportunity? Explore with Professor Iain Crosley

  • Get clarity on the revenue opportunities and competitive advantage of a long-term sustainability strategy

  • Recognise the potential roadblocks and how to get around them

  • Get ideas on how to maintain and build on the improvements you’ve already made & understand which technologies you need to be thinking about deploying

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Ian Crosley

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What impacts will the change of Government have on energy intensive industry?

  • Understanding the key new energy policies and initiatives proposed by the Labour Government, and how they might impact your business.

  • What will be the Labour Government's approach to encouraging and enabling energy efficiency measures for industry?

  • Should businesses expect an increase in non-commodity costs caused by new energy schemes i.e. hydrogen, nuclear ?


Martin Gaffney
Sales Director

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Choosing right from right.
Decision making in sustainable innovation

  • What trade-offs do you typically make?

  • What is causing these trade-offs?

  • What innovations are you looking for?


Chaco van der Sijp
Innovation Lead - Manufacturing

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Henry Royce Institute: How collaborating with academia can support your sustainability goals

  • What is the UK's National Advanced Materials Institute, and how can we support industry?

  • How can industry access and leverage Royce’s offerings such as cutting-edge expertise and facilities, as well as the opportunity to collaborate with innovative projects like CEAMS to support their sustainability journey?

  • How can we influence the government to inform national materials strategies, roadmaps and future policy?


Edidiong Asuquo
Senior Application Scientist

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Michelle Ledward
Research Engagement Manager


Lunch (14.15 - 15.15) 

Workshops (15.15 - 16.30)

Energy reduction = The heart of your strategy

  • How can you use your brains and not your wallets to deliver your sustainability ambitions?

  • How can you use your current skills in being efficient, and use them to deliver energy savings?

  • How to build a sustainability strategy for your company


Steve Evans 
Director of Research
Industrial Sustainability


Your pathway to scalable circularity

  • Circularity: an opportunity for innovation and entrepreneurial joy, not a threat

  • Scalable circular solutions require product, business model archetype and brand strategy innovation

  • Circular Solution Space: A methodology for harnessing circular complexity


Marcel den Hollander
Prrofessor Circular Design & Manufacturing


The anti-workshop: Stories of failure to guide your success

  • Products components and materials as asset classes? Maybe...

  • Economies of scale or scope?

  • A circular economy by intention and design? Always.


Ken Webster 
Former Head of Innovation (2012 - 2018)


Q&A (16.30 - 17.00)

Drinks reception and de-brief (17.00 - 20.00)


Martin Wolf 
Lisa Dittmar 
Warrick Mathews
Amanda Wood
Chief Economic Commentator
Net Zero Supply
Chain Director 
Chief Procurement Officer 
Supply Chain
Sustainability Director 
Steve Evans 
Cathleen Siemen
Paul Andrews 
Alice Steenland 
Director of Research
Industrial Sustainability
Sustainability Lead - Europe
Global Energy Director
Chief Sustainability Officer 
Sam Turner 
Efe Egborge
Andrew Selley
Amy Peace
Chief Technology Officer  
Global EHS Lead
Chief Executive Officer 
Innovation Lead -
Circular Economy
Craig Woodburn
Emma Fromberg
Marcel den Hollander 
Yasmine Ali 
Global ESG Director
Course Director
Professor of Circular Design 
Energy Innovation
Programme Lead 
Chris Fielden 
Philip Holt
Nigel Davies 
David Drew
Supply Chain Director 
Senior Vice President - Operational Excellence 
Director of
Technical & Sustainability 
Sustainability Director - Africa
Tony Heslop
Ben Sheridan
Paul McKinney
Neil Ross
Sustainability Lead 
Director of
Digital Manufacturing 
Associate Director
Group Director of Sustainability, Quality & DPO 
Pascal Biderpost 
VP - Strategy
Geoff Mackey 
Sustainability Director 
Adam Nicklin 
Senior Director -
Enterprise Excellance 
Tony Allen
Head of Industry & CCS
Jon Tudor 
Hassan Khalid
Ian Cronin
Senior Engineer, Machine Learning & Data Science
Community Curator
Mark Fisher
Senior Supply Chain Sustainability Executive
Sustainable Industry
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